Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Waiting, waiting, waiting....

So here we sit in the waiting room at the hospital. Hannah has been in surgery since around 12:15 and its nearly 3pm. Keziah is being a super-trooper at the waiting game. It can try the patience of the best of us. Hannah was pretty nervous today about surgery. As much as she wants that pin out and to no longer have the area around it cleaned she really does not want to have surgery to get it done. I was explainging to her last night that the last time she had surgery she woke up to the distraction device and the splints on her teeth and this time she’s not having this happen. She’ll wake up with the splints out of her mouth, the pin no longer there and just a few stitches on her neck which will be covered up by a bandage. Yeah...she wasn’t buying it. So we’re waiting and I can’t give you an update on how she’s doing yet.
But I can tell you about our day yesterday. We had a good night’s sleep on Sunday night - got to bed around 10pm - which isn’t bad when you think that its 7pm in Vancouver. We all slept well and even all slept in until after 9am. We were very lazy and took our time getting ready to get going and were nearly late arriving at the hospital for Hannah’s 1:30 appointment with Dr. McCarthy. We briefly met with him and went over what he was going to do today and then we straightened out the details of where we were going to be going today (even with all that straightening we were still sent to the wrong place today). Afterwards we had a quick meeting with Dr. Grayson about Hannah’s wedge that fell completely out of her mouth on Christmas Eve. He explained that today he is removing her splints from her teeth and then, while she is under they will take molds of her teeth to send to the lab, they will clean her teeth and repair any damage to her teeth from decay while wearing the splints. Then she will go back and see him after she is out of recovery later today to get fitted for a retainer-like device that will be removable that will have a built up side on the left so her bite will meet.
Once we were done at the hospital we decided to head over to Fifth Avenue to grab a late lunch at TGI Friday’s and then walk up Fifth Avenue to H&M’s and then to FAO Schwarz. Well, the cab couldn’t get to Fifth Avenue due to the crowds so we got out and walked the last block - the crowd at TGI Fridays was crazy - thankfully its a big restaurant and we were seated 25 minutes later. By then bloodsugar had really plummeted and Hannah was just delightful to be with. After eating we started ‘walking’ up Fifth Ave. - I have never seen such a crowd of people as this. After the 4 blocks to H&M we made the very sad discovery that this H&M does not have a children’s section. Keziah was so upset. This was the one thing that she really wanted to do that day. So back out into the crazy crowd we went - each holding onto our assigned child’s hand for dear life. 6 blocks to FAO Schwarz and there was a line up to get in to the store. Initially both girls said they didn’t want to go in - but we decided to go in anyways as the line up was moving really quickly and we aren’t planning on going back there before heading home. What a zoo!! We were all so happy to get in our cab to get back to the house. We got ice cream and cones from the grocery store and after we had a snack at 8pm we watched 2 episodes of Reba and had our ice cream. And then....bed. What a day. We never quite got done what we really wanted to do. And finished the day exhausted and spent.
We’ll update once we know more about how her surgery has gone.
Hope you’re all well

1 comment:

Kath said...

Thanks for the update, J&J. Heard from Ad earlier and was just wondering how things are going. And what a trooper you are, Kez, with all that waiting around!!
love to all, AK