Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pictures, pictures and then....more pictures

OK, so the handy thing about digital cameras is that you can take lots of pictures and not worry about the expense of developing them. Also, when you have kids who love to take pictures you can give them a camera and let them go to town. Downside, you have a lot of pictures in the end. So...prepare yourself, there are a lot of pictures there from the Davies trip to NY. But in the album below, Last Import, if you scroll down past Zach's picture of Juilliard and the night sky experiment, you will find pictures of Hannah and Auntie Kath on the day Hannah picked out her new barbie at FAO Schwarz and also pictures of Hannah's xray's - before the start of turning the key and after 10mm of bone growth. So its quite cool. The album finishes with the pictures of Hannah and Griffin vs the Dads. While in the Picasa site check into John's Gallery where there are several other albums of our New York trip to check out - if you so dare!

Have a great day

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