Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday's email from John.

Hannah saw Dr Grayson and his intern today. The intern did most of the work and was very nice. Hannah will see both Grayson and McCarthy on Friday at 11 am. The report was good. There is not much change in her bite alignment at this time as we have only turned the key 5 times for a total of 2.5 mm. I have been negotiating with Hannah every day as to what I am going to make her endure. At this point getting the antibiotic into her has been a priority as is turning the key. So when we were at the office today I asked the orthodontist to highlight for Hannah the importance of rinsing her mouth with the chlorhexidine dental rinse, this is the one that I used pre op and she protested muchly. So twice a day, starting tonight she agreed with the doctor to use the rinse. I hope she remembers, cause I will be reminding her all day that she made an agreement with the doctor. Her breath is a "wonderful" smell at this point but if she doesn't rinse then it will stay smelly. The Dr did say her hygiene was pretty good, even if she is not using the rinse. Lets pray that I can get her to use it 2x per day.
On the food front, she ate half a bowl of cream of wheat this am, with cinnamon sugar of course. I could have probably got her to eat more but time was tight as we had to be at NYU for 9:30 and she had to be woken up at 8. Needless to say she did not get up on the right side of the bed. Lunch today was KMC, the creamy variety. She ate a bowl and a half. Yeah!!! and drank 1/2 a glass of water.
When Hannah woke up she asked if we could go to the museum today and I was all over that. By the time her appointment was over and we were heading home for lunch, she was pretty clear that the museum was out for today. I found that hard. If she gets back to the house at any point getting her out again is almost impossible. So my strategy will be to find every restaurant in the city that serves mac and cheese so I never have to bring her home for lunch. LOL

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