Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Surgery Day

Hannah's surgery was this morning and it all went very well - she came through it all beautifully. Dr. McCarthey was very pleased with how everything went and he was able to insert the semi-buried device, which is the one that we wanted. He said that there was a minimal amount of bleeding and that it all went well. Dr. Grayson finished the time off in the OR by bonding the splints to her teeth and then she was moved to the ICU at 1pm, their time. John called me from the ICU around 4pm his time to let me know that she was doing well and so that he could hold the phone to her ear so she could hear my voice. I told her I loved her and then was surprised when I heard her sweet voice telling me she loved me too. We were told that it would be a couple of days before she would be able to talk, so that was a lovely surprise to hear her say a few things. John said her main complaint at this point is that she's really hungry but it won't be until tomorrow before she can have anything and even then its only clear fluids. She won't be impressed. We have always found that she in at her hungriest after aneasthetic. So she's doing well. Thanks for all the prayers - she is being well covered.

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